Tuesday 24 March 2015

Fun in the sun

The fairies were very happy when they woke up to find the sun was shining. Heading out of their fairy homes they looked around at the winter battered garden and wondered what jobs they should set about to first. All the trees and bushes had been left after summer so that they could be a shelter for fairies and wildlife.
Full of the joys of Spring they decided that they would start with a spot of pruning.

However, fairies have very short attention spans, and are easily distracted. They soon got bored of the task, as pruning, they found, was hard work, and not pretty like growing flowers.
First Beatrice headed into the pile of cuttings as she decided there were some twigs that would be great for wand making. Quickly filling her back pack with her collection. A little fairy dust and a fairy spell and there would be new wands for all.

While looking at the twigs, Tootles wondered if there were any that would be good for making a fairy swing. She has always wanted a swing and got very excited. How could anyone say no to such a happy fairy?
Slipping between the gaps she soon made her way into the heart of the heap to find the perfect swing. It had to balance just right, and be comfortable to sit on.
It would also be the perfect place for romance! Tootles has a bit of a crush on a visiting leprechaun.

With some help from Bramble, the perfect twig was soon found and strung from a low branch. Now being fairies, they had to decorate the swing with a bit of sparkle ( admit it, we could all do with a bit more sparkle in our day).
Tootles made sure she held on tight.
Such fun for a sunny day, Beatrice soon decided that she wanted to play too. Who wouldn't love spending a few hours flying back and forth on their own fairy swing? How lovely to feel the wind rushing over your wings as you swoop and rise.
After all that playing the girls were ready for a rest and some tea and cake. They settled down by a patch of smiling daffodils and asked their friend the garden gnome, if he would like to join them.
It has been such a long time since the weather has been nice enough for a picnic in the garden. As much as the fairies love the fun that winter brings, they have missed the warmth of the sun on their wings. So it is always nice to use the time to catch up with old friends over a cup of tea in the sunshine. The fairies do find that gnomes aren't great conversationalists, but they do get to know all the best garden gossip.
After the fairies had finished their picnic and caught up on all the latest goings on, they then decided that it would be a jolly idea to make a den , as every one should have their own den to hide away in.
Dens need to be pretty as well as practical (well maybe pretty is more important than practical to fairies) and their den was certainly pretty.

Once the fairies had finished, and the air was getting chilly again, the fairies made sure they tidied the garden of anything that would be a danger to their feathered friends who like to call to visit.

Later when the rest of the fairies were all snuggled down for an afternoon nap, Tootles crept back into the garden to meet with a certain young chap.
Hoping that hearts will not be broken.
Katie x x

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