Tuesday 21 April 2015

Join the fun

This weekend two new fairies came to join the other fairies who live at the bottom of my garden. It seems that word has got around about how much fun goes on here.
Luckily the girls are a very friendly group and love welcoming new friends. Personally, I think it is because it means there are more of them to cause mischief!
Floribunda has informed us that she loves to dance in the moonlight, paddle in streams, and chase butterflies.
She has promised that she doesn't play tricks on humans, but due to the amount of giggling that came with that promise, I'm not sure that I can believe her.
Betsy loves music, she has hardly stopped singing since she arrived.
Her main job is to help with all the baby birds (she will be very busy in my garden soon).
When she arrived the first thing she did was look for pretty things to decorate her clothes and hair. I've got a feeling that if anything sparkly goes missing, I know who I need to go see.
I must admit I am quite jealous of her beautiful hair.
I'm sure that both girls are going to settle into our fairy family, and you will be able to see all their adventures.
 Katie x x

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