Monday, 18 August 2014

Big Butterfly Count

The fairies have taken some time out from all the running and playing they normally do, to sit for a while and count the butterflies that visit our magical little garden, so they could submit the numbers to the Big Butterfly Count.

The fairies decided that the best place to be was sitting on the buddleia, as that is were we always find the most butterflies.
The only problem is seem to be that fairies aren't very good at counting lot's of moving butterflies (they are too easily distracted and forget where they were up to) and at one point they had to be told that there were only 23 peacock butterflies fluttering around them and not 116.

Peacock butterflies weren't the only little lovelies that they spotted.


We do get rather a large variety of butterflies who like to visit!
The fairies wanted to find out what the collective noun for butterflies is and we found out that some say a flutter and others say a flight. The girls decided they preferred it to be a flutter of butterflies.
While the fairies were in the garden, butterflies weren't the only visitors that we had.

Well the girls helped to put all their butterflies onto the butterfly count website, but they still plan on spending time in the garden watching for more.
The one thing the girls are a bit sad about  is that apart from there friend Hattie, we have had no other hedgehog s popping by this year.
Last year we were lucky enough for a mother hedgehog to nest in our garden, the fairies were very shocked one afternoon when we found 5 baby hedgehogs running about in the grass!

The fairies all hope that you have lots of fun looking for the magic around you x x

Monday, 4 August 2014

Spider webs

The fairies are very fashion conscious and know that all the best dress are made with the threads from spider webs.
So when they woke up this morning and saw that the spiders had been busy they headed out to collect the threads.

Not all of the cobwebs were in the most glamorous places, but the fairies still collected them.




It was also a chance to gather some early morning fairy dust.
I look forward to seeing what the girls create with their new threads x